3D assets

Kanzi Studio is a tool for composing 3D content and 3D user interfaces to be presented with Kanzi. While you can create in Kanzi Studio placeholder 3D meshes such as spheres, cubes, and planes, you have to import 3D assets for your Kanzi applications from third-party tools.

Kanzi Studio is tested, but not limited to use imported data from:

When you want to bring the 3D assets created with a third-party tool to Kanzi Studio you have to import or merge the assets. You can import or merge 3D assets in these formats:

Different exporters in third-party tools handle content differently. For example, if you cannot get the expected result using .fbx, try using .dae.

To create 3D assets in third-party tools and export them so that they require the minimum amount of effort after importing to Kanzi Studio, see Preparing 3D assets in third-party tools.

These file formats can contain 3D scene information with mesh, animation, and spline data. To bring your 3D assets to your Kanzi Studio project you can:

See also

Preparing 3D assets in third-party tools

Importing 3D assets

Merging 3D assets

Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application


Using meshes

Using Morph resources